Producer: Emeka- We have decided to make Emeka to become the producer due to the quick and helpful decision he makes, as well as considering input from the team. Also he is proficient at dealing with problems we may face during our filming stage as he is already experienced from last year when he was producer for the short thriller opening scene. He has practical communication skills which will help the whole team as he can deal with the cast and crew in an effective manor.
Director: Gulustan- As a group we decided I should take on the role of director as i am able to keep the group together and manage them as well as work well with them. I am also able to describe my ideas clearly to everyone in the group which makes their roles easier and helps them understand what were trying to do in each scene. As well as giving everyone positive feedback, i am able to give back constructive feedback that will help us do our best to improve our music video and complete it in the highest standards possible.

the role of editor as he is consistent and hard working with his work.
He also identifies every little detail in his work which will help create the music video efficiently, also editing may take a while to do and Elliot is a patient individual in order to make the video look professional. Also Elliot found it interesting and enjoyed editing during AS Media which concluded in him being chosen to do Editing during A2 Media.

Lighting Operator: Elliot- We decided Elliot should be lighting operator as he is well informed of the different lighting techniques as well as what they represent, for example high key lighting presenting positivity. This can help us with creating the atmosphere and the mood of the music video. Also his creativity will benefit us using lighting as he will be aware where it is appropriate to place the lighting.
Storyboard organizer: Emeka- Emeka was nominated to be the Storyboard organizer as he was able to visualize all our ideas and combine it into one initial idea. Also he asked for input from the group and added it into the storyboard which made it more effective as he will be able to picture each shot.
We decided me and Emeka should be camera recorder as we have knowledge on cinematography techniques and are confident
with how and which ones to use while filming. Moreover, me being the director helps me visualize the scene and I can direct my self on how I want the scene to be filmed with the help of Emeka's input.
Costume/Hair&Makeup: Elliot- We chose Elliot to take care of Costume hair and makeup as he is organised and is good with time scheduling which helps as he will be able to know which costume is meant to be worn where. Also he is passionate about fashion and is successful at combining outfits to match certain genres of music.

Adding a brief definition of each role before your explanation of the reasons for assigning every duty to each member of the group would improve your post significantly.