Name: Emeka
Ethnicity: African
Gender Stereotype of roles: Emeka will take on the role of the main character who is a young famous, male rapper. He will be rapping throughout the song being the main artist,however will also interact with Kayne (character 2) within his chorus and in scenes with him.
Costume: Character 1's costume will change throughout the video. He will usually be wearing casual however, fashionable and conventional clothing for a rapper, which includes designer wear. Colour coordination will often be black, but will have different colours to compliment.
Body language and facial expression: Emeka's body language and facial expression will vary within the video as he will be engaging in dancing and casual movements while rapping. As well as this, his facial expression will mainly be enthusiastic and happy, however may depend on the lyrics as well.
Role within the music video: Emeka's role within the music video is to lip sync/rap to our chosen song. His role is the main artist in the music video which shows he is the main attention and centre piece for our production. He will be interacting with the audience by singing towards them and will also have scenes along side Kayne (male character 2)
Male Character 2:

Name: Kayne
Ethnicity: Caribbean
Gender stereotype of role: Kayne will take on the role of professional young rapper, also good friends with character 1 who is the main artist . He will be singing/rapping the chorus and will be energetic and enthusiastic throughout the music video.
Costume: He will be wearing a bomber Jacket and a trendy shirt as conventionally it is important for rappers to keep up with fashion as audiences expect them to and bomber jackets are the latest trend. He will also be changing costumes within the video into a black jumper and a tracksuit bottom while dancing,which is a conventional outfit for dancers to wear as it is cool, fashionable, and comfortable.
Body language and facial expression:His body language will be flexible and loose as he moves along with the music complimenting his enthusiastic and happy facial expression.
Role within the music video: His role within the music video is the featured artist who sings the chorus. He will be lip syncing the chorus at different locations as well as have scenes along side Emeka (male character 1)
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