Subcultures are distinguished characteristic, norms, and values shared by a group of people within society, however these norms and values may differ from the conventional and expected norms. These values identify with behavior, beliefs, interests, religion, ethnicity ect. They are associated with these sub-cultural groups due to the stereotypical view and opinion they receive from society. Some subcultures that already exist are the 'goths' who are a group of people who adopt and can be identified by fashion elements such as all black clothing, dark eye liner, a number of piercings, and listening to Gothic rock music. Another subculture is the 'skaters' who are identified as a group of people who enjoy skateboarding. These are just a few subcultures that exist in today's society however new subcultures keep developing over time.

Subcultures are seen in music videos and the music industry as certain music genres appeal to certain audiences, i.e. Rock, Hip-Hop, R&B, Reggae all appeal to a different audience so the videos are only targeted at their target audience which has caused there to be a merge in subcultures. During the 1950's the 'Rockers' had become a popular subculture which started off in the UK and was essentially based around the music genre 'Rock n Roll' and rebelling against social expectations and the system. .
The Hip-Hop and Rap genre has created a subculture associated with Slang, Graffiti art, Over sized clothing, beat boxing and almost description of the streets and the hard life. However, as time passed it has become more about money, sex, and the lavish lifestyle the artists them selves live.The subculture is still associated with the same things however are also now associated with money and wealth.
Some bands tend to be from a subculture which is evident through their image including their outfits, hair, and makeup. Their image gives the audiences an insight into their genre of music which helps audiences easily identify with their genre and associate them selves with the particular music genre,artist or band. For example Heavy Metal bands are their own sub-cultural group, which encourages their fans and audiences to also conform to their subculture and behave, and dress like them. Due to this these kinds of artists who conform to their own stereotypical subculture it is easier for other audiences to distinguish them and commonly identify their music genre.
Mccraken acclaimed 3 things, 'there is difference everywhere', 'it is a dynamic world', and 'it is a creative world.' He explained that before society could be classified according to their class, status, metal state and simple things that could easily be identified in society. He states that if we look at the array of values and ideologies, we can see that not all subcultures come from one.
Contradicting what Mccraken said, Birmingham believes all subcultures come from one culture,which is 'reaction and rejection' of mainstream culture.
Hebdige's theory can still be seen in society today as subcultures will carry on defying mainstream cultures and new sub cultures will be born and some old one will disappear such as Teddy Boys as it is no longer a huge sub culture followed by many.
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